4th Trimester Care

healthy babies need healthy families

4th Trimester Care

4th Trimester Care brings Healthcare as a Team Sport to families establishing excellence in care after baby arrives. Imagine having a team embracing mom-to-be during pregnancy centering on the 5 areas of proactive health and guiding through recovery challenges, empowering confidence + celebrating the precious newborn phase.

Families receiving 4th Trimester Care:

  • Build trust through relationship based care
  • Feel empowered to ask questions, developing confidence
  • Identify challenges early + seek assistance, preventing significant issues
  • Home visit identification of problems + connection to outpatient care avoiding emergency room visits and re-hospitalizations
  • Achieve baby feeding goals with support + guidance

Next step, enhancing existing healthcare entities, health plans or employer offerings, so every family can thrive. Contact us to bring 4th Trimester Care to your team.

Contact us

one team. one goal. optimizing health

Our inspiration comes from experiencing the difference 4th Trimester Care has on families and believing every family should have this care. Pay it forward to families, bringing 4th Trimester Care to your team!

Pay It Forward

Partnership for Proactive Health is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Your donation will go towards delivering our Healthcare as a Team Sport programs in the community.

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